Rewards as a volunteer

  • Banquet ticket (minimum of 4 shifts)
  • Lunch for the day you work
  • T-shirt
  • Patch



Sports Managers – 1 per sport
You will be responsible for the volunteers connected to your sport and make sure everything runs smoothly with the schedule and referees on the spot.

You are responsible for recording goals, penalties etc and reporting in the result to the info center. The number of secretaries will vary depending on the sport.

Referees for E-sport and Shuffleboard
Main responsibility is keeping track of the results after each game and the match schedule.


Welcoming participants and keeping an eye on things and the participates possessions.

Night Guards
Keeping an eye on things and make sure people have the peace they need to sleep.

Handling the breakfast as well as lunch

Info Center
Keeping track of results and the schedules. Be available for participants questions regarding the event at large.


Setting up for the event, such as table and decor
Handling the food during the night
Bar service
Taking down the stage and tables the day after

General Information

There will be different shifts during each day, so you are not expected to work a fully day unless you wish to do so. You need to work a minimum of 4 shifts to received the benefit of the Banquet ticket.

Application process:
We will upload a google form soon where you can fill out your application.